Food Service Certification Program

Food Service Manager Certification Training

We offer 8-hour manager certification training four times a year.

The times of the class are always 9 am to 5 pm. The exam is offered on the same day.

For dates and registration contact us at 773.777.6767 or by email [email protected]

You can also come to the main office at 4515 N Milwaukee, Chicago, IL.

The class is taught in Polish. The exam is translated orally to Polish.

You will need to bring identification to the exam.

The following forms of ID are acceptable:

driver’s license, state ID, or passport

food service manager certification chicago

Call us today for more information on our food service sanitation manager certification program and food handler training.

servsafe classes exam chicago illinois

Getting Illinois and Chicago certificates

After the course, your instructor will mail you proof of completion of the required training hours.

As soon as you receive the results of the exam, you need to visit Malcom X College at 1900 Jackson Blvd. Suite 0203, Chicago IL 60612 and request your Chicago certificate. You will also need to pay the required fees to them.

For the State of Illinois you do not have to contact anybody because your proof of passing exam is sufficient. 

Food Handler Training

Food handler training can be scheduled for groups of 20 students. For more information contact us at 773.777.6767 or by email [email protected]

Services are offered in Polish only.

Contact Us

(773) 777-6767

4515 N Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL 60630